a month of meals: february 2013


{More: January 2013}

Favorite dish/meal: My favorite dish I made at home was perhaps the mushroom pizzas with goat cheese.  (To be honest, there wasn’t a lot of new stuff going on in our kitchen this month.)  Also, the chocolate mousse I made for Valentine’s Day.  OH and my mother-in-law brought us some molten lava cakes with Andes mints in them a couple of nights ago, which were absolutely delectable.  In fact, I think they might beat the chocolate mousse.  I think I need to get that recipe.

Oh, and how can I forget the cheese straws?

My real favorite meal was our birthday dinner out though, at 1892 East (more below).

Least successful:  For Valentine’s Day I made Julia Child’s beouf bourguignon, and I have say…I was a little disappointed.  It is one of the most famous recipes in the world, so perhaps my expectations were too high.  But I really was not terribly impressed (perhaps it was just also not my kind of meal), and ended up eating some peanut butter on graham crackers to finish off my meal.  I much prefer the short ribs I made last month.

Am I the only one who has had this experience?

What we ate the most of:  Chicken.  We had baked chicken thighs at least once a week, and we had chicken at my parent’s house once a week for like the past five weeks.  Not that we mind (we love chicken).  But my dad said we’ll have to have fish next week, so we don’t start thinking chicken is the only thing they know how to cook.

We had salmon a couple times this months, and midnight pasta several nights as well.  And we had chicken poppyseed casserole at least twice, once at my parents and once at home, plus I made another one to take to a friend who just had a baby.

Also, I am apparently still on a mushroom kick.  Chicken with mushrooms.  More garlic butter roasted mushrooms.  Mushroom pizzas.

I’m sorry.

What we ate in other places:  We ate out twice for my birthday, and my favorite of the two meals was at 1892 East.  I ordered a steak (perfectly medium-rare) that came on a plate with a potato hash and green beans that I couldn’t help but eat (I always skip the green beans at restaurants, and to be honest I often skip them at my own house).  My mom ordered an orange glazed salmon, Gerrit ordered the best pork chop I have ever seen, and my dad ordered lamb.  We all passed pieces around the table to sample, and it was all wonderful.

Also: I’m still working out how exactly I want these posts to be.  Any thoughts?  Any questions you’d like me to answer about the things we eat?  Anything else you want to know that I’m not including here?

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3 Replies to “a month of meals: february 2013”

  1. This is a fun post. I like the idea of doing a different format than the usual recipes we always do. Plus its a nice way to highlight your posts again bringing things to the front. Love all of the mushroom recipes! I also like that you included your least successful – kind of fun to rethink about those….we always have them:-)

  2. Kathryn–thanks! that’s why I started doing this–because I love seeing the everyday life of other people.

    Becki–glad you are appreciating all the mushroom recipes. ;)

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