peanut butter chocolate chip granola


peanut butter chocolate chip granola

It’s been so long I’m not really sure that I know how to blog anymore.  How was it that I actually sat down and put organized thoughts on paper several times a week again?  So let’s see if I can scratch my way through this.

I suppose that if we’re catching up on things I should tell you the news that we found out we’re having a girl.  To which Gerrit’s immediate reaction (out loud during the ultrasound) was “I was right!”  Because even though I am so beyond thrilled that we are going to have a daughter (and girl baby clothes are way more fun to buy than boy baby clothes), I just had this feeling that it was going to be a boy (perhaps because I kind of secretly wanted it to be a girl?).  Gerrit has been sure the whole time though, and he was right.

Of course knowing this has made the preparations all the more real.  We have stacks of clothes in the extra room, the nursery is painted, and the crib is assembled.  And I, feeling like I have been falling so behind on life in the recent months, have been trying to catch up on everything I haven’t been doing (and everything I haven’t been cooking).

peanut butter chocolate chip granola

I made granola for us for the first time in months the other week when I saw David Lebovitz’s recipe post for peanut butter chocolate chip granola and knew immediately that this was the granola that I have been waiting for.  Usually I make my basic granola recipe, which I love because it is so easy.  I’ve tried to get some peanut butter flavor into it in the past, but never successfully.  But here the flavors are exactly what I want for a peanut butter and chocolate granola.  (I just licked the peanut butter/maple syrup/brown sugar combination straight from the bowl.)  I had to play around with the recipe some: adding chocolate chips in later because they were melting entirely too much, adding some oil in because it also had come out too clumpy.  And what resulted was a granola I’m sure we will return to routinely (because I’m not sure Gerrit is going to let me go back to the basic granola now that we’ve had this).

peanut butter chocolate chip granola


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