chocolate peanut butter and nut globs


chocolate peanut butter and nut globs
I know that I’ve never been a proponent of nuts and chocolate together.  I’ve always said that the nuts just take up space where chocolate could be.  But to be honest, nuts were never really my thing.  I just didn’t like them.  Every year my mom tried to convince my brother and me that we should let her put nuts in our Christmas fudge, and eventually we reached the agreement that she could put nuts in half the pan of fudge.  And I avoided that half of pan like the plague.  If the pecan stuffed pieces of fudge were all that was left come Christmas morning, then no thank you.  I will do without.  (Plus, there were always peanut butter balls.)

I don’t know what is happening to me now though.  Because sometime in the past couple of years, I think I’ve kind of started to like pecans and various other nuts with my chocolate.  I think it started with the chocolate pecan pie bars I made to take to Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.  And then this past year, at Thanksgiving, I somehow fell in love with my grandmother’s old recipe for pecan pie.  I’m not even sure I ate a slice of pumpkin pie all weekend, and this coming year I think I don’t even care about the pumpkin, as long as I can have my pecan pie.

pecans, walnuts, chocolate and peanut butter chips

All this to say, a few years ago if I had seen this recipe for chocolate “cookies” packed with nuts, despite the fact that they are ooey gooey melty, and despite the fact that they have those addictive things called peanut butter chips, there is no way I would have made them.  I would have skipped right over this recipe and not considered it.  But now, YES PLEASE.

chocolate glob batter

When discussing my picky eating, my mom always likes to remind me of what my first grade teacher said, that our taste buds grow up as we do.  And I guess that is what is happening here, because bring on the pecans.

(A side note to my mom: I know pecans are perhaps your favorite thing, but don’t get too excited at my admission and start putting them in everything ever.)

chocolate peanut butter globs with nuts


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2 Replies to “chocolate peanut butter and nut globs”

  1. I think I felt the same way when I was younger. Now I just think it is a great combo and the nuts really just complement the chocolate flavor. I didn’t like it when people put walnuts in my chocolate chip cookies…I still prefer them without, but its not a bad addition if they are in there. These cookies sound delicious!

  2. that last sentence to your Mum really made me chuckle! I have to make similar statements to my own Mother too! These ‘globs’ look amazing I could eat 10 right now!

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