chicken pesto panini


chicken pesto panini

This is a less of a recipe and more of a reminder in case you have forgotten (or, for some god-forsaken reason, are unaware) of how delicious simple homemade panini can be.  Gerrit and I have been eating these non-stop, as evidenced by our conversation the other day when I was trying to come up with a dinner plan and he suggested panini, which I reminded him we had had just a couple of days before.  His response–“And the problem is?”

The best thing about these is how easy they are, how if you use leftover chicken you hardly have to prep anything, and how they can be adapted to whatever your tastes are.  We love them with regular pesto and provolone cheese on French bread.  We’ve been using rotisserie chicken from the grocery store (eaten one night for dinner with sides, and torn apart the next night for panini), and our current favorite flavor has a twinge of salty bacon.  (If you don’t have rotisserie chicken flavored with a bit of bacon, I’m willing to bet that a couple of slices of bacon on the panini would be a good substitute).  So like I said, less of a recipe, more of a reminder with some guidelines.  These are our favorite sandwiches as of late, and I want to remember how easy they are and what a perfect dinner they make.

chicken pesto panini


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2 Replies to “chicken pesto panini”

  1. We are huge sandwich people around here and this one looks perfect. You’re right. You should never underestimate the power of a good panini!

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