peanut butter cookie s’mores pizza


peanut butter cookie s'mores pizza

This is just pure fun.  Just pure chocolate and peanut butter and sugary goodness, made into a pizza.

Going through recipes recently and deciding on what to cook, the constant theme for me has been how my cooking is going to change not only in the coming months, but in the coming years.  I think all the time about foods our daughter will hopefully like, about foods we’ll share with her from our plates, about the favorites our kids might have and the meals and desserts they might request for special occasions.  (For me it was always steak and peanut butter pie.)

peanut butter cookie s'mores pizza

And I wonder what memories she’ll have associated with the food I make.  For me, this dessert always makes me think of my camp friends, and how when we were high school we were at camp for a weekend in the middle of winter and one of our friends pulled this out of thin air, as if it were magic, and we all wondered where she had been hiding it all weekend.

Maybe this will be a birthday dessert one day, or a slumber party dessert, or a movie night dessert.

I just know that it took Gerrit and me all week to work our way through this cookie pizza, and I’m so glad that one day in the future we might not even feel like we get our fair share of a slice before it’s gone.

peanut butter cookie s'mores pizza


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One Reply to “peanut butter cookie s’mores pizza”

  1. I know I’ll make this with Lucy…and I’m sure she’ll create some wonderful memories! This looks just delicious. Thank you for sharing!

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