“branola” bars {+ things i’m loving lately}


branola bars
Life has changed so much lately, and in adapting to having a new baby, I’ve also come across some things that I love and have come to depend on regularly.

{1} The feedly app.  Since I am holding the baby so much, I am on my computer so much less.  The feedly app on my phone is helping me keep up with my blog reading though.  It is so smooth and easy to use.

{2} Royal Pains.  I had never heard of this show prior to a few weeks ago, but there were a few nights when Evelyn was up so. much. and I needed a show on Netflix to get me through.  I watched the pilot and am now hooked.

{3} Coffee + Crumbs.  This is a new blog that started this summer, and I found it just in time.  These are stories of real motherhood and I am gulping them up.

{4} Google Keep.  Google Keep is a list maker that you can access on all devices.  I most often have it pulled up on my phone.  It makes it so easy for me to create daily to-do lists, re-organize them, and make lists of other odds and ends that I need to remember (and color code them all!).

branola bars
{5} “Branola” bars.  A family friend brought these to us in the hospital.  As soon as my mom told me she thought she had the recipe somewhere, I told her to please send it to me that day because I needed another batch of these as soon as possible.  They are so simple to make (I mean really, the base of these is a pre-made muffin mix), so they are exactly what I need these days.  But they are also so delicious.  I’m addicted to them, not only for a breakfast but also often for a quick mid-afternoon snack.

branola bars

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