crispy mustard roasted chicken


crispy mustard roasted chicken

This is a dish that will forever be implanted in my memory, because it is last thing I made and ate before I went into labor with Evelyn.  We were having my parents over for dinner, really as a way to distract us while we were waiting for Evelyn’s arrival, and for dinner we had crispy mustard roasted chicken with green beans and cous cous and some frozen yogurt for dessert.

And I’ll always remember that I undercooked the chicken the first time and had to put it back in the oven (what?! I never undercook chicken and was so frustrated…but I guess I didn’t account for the fact that a dish of chicken for 4 people needed longer to bake than our usual dish of chicken for 2, especially when said chicken is coated with a layer of breadcrumbs).

We ended up having a lovely dinner though; we chatted with my parents and sat in the nursery looking at Evelyn’s new clothes, and when we said goodbye to my parents that evening I think my mother said something to the effect of “Well, maybe next week,” implying how impatient she was getting for Evelyn’s arrival and how we were really starting to think I would go past my due date.

An hour later I got into bed and started having contractions.

crispy mustard roasted chicken

I really love this chicken dish.  It’s almost as simple as my regular baked chicken thighs, but with a quick mustard and wine coating and then a breadcrumb topping that really takes only about 5 minutes to pulse together in my mini food processor.

And even though we’ve had this chicken a couple of times since Evelyn has been born, I will forever and always think of it was what I ate right before she arrived (and what had to hold me over for 22 hours in the labor and delivery room).

crispy mustard roasted chicken


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