chocolate peanut butter magic shell


chocolate peanut butter magic shell

I know, I know.  I am so late to this.  And it’s really not much of a recipe (but hey, I have an almost two month (what?!) old).  But it seems like I would be remiss not to tell you about the one dessert that has been dominating our kitchen for the past two+ months.  We love this so much.  It’s the homemade version of my favorite store-bought ice cream topping, a chocolate and peanut butter sauce that hardens up over the cold ice cream to give you a crunchy shell on top (for those of you unfamiliar…which surely is no one).

We have been having this on a semi-regular basis (we try to keep it to at least every two or three nights only).  And still, whenever I look at Gerrit and say “Magic shell tonight?” our eyes both get wide with excitement.  I’ve also started trying to pass this off as a dessert when we have guests for dinner (well, mostly our families), and have now gotten my parents equally addicted to it as well.

The thing is, when something is this easy to make, it is hard to resist.  Because mixing together three things and putting them in the microwave is only a step above actually getting the ice cream out of the freezer as far as level-of-difficulty goes.  But it’s special enough that I don’t find myself battling against the pull of my pantry (coconut oil….peanut butter…chocolate…all just sitting right there where I can see them!) for middle of the day snacking.

Ok, maybe once.  But it was just so I could take some pictures for you.  Promise.

chocolate peanut butter magic shell


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2 Replies to “chocolate peanut butter magic shell”

  1. I have not had magic shell in years! your writing about it has definitely got me craving it now – and I have all three ingredients in my cupboard! I just need to get some ice cream!

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