things i’m loving lately {december 2014}


We went to Franklin, Tennessee this weekend to visit Gerrit’s brother and sister-in-law and go to the Dickens Christmas Festival.  I had full intentions of posting about it today, but realized this morning that I had approximately zero good pictures and really not much to say about it (in summary: pros: cool concept, great place to do some Christmas shopping if I hadn’t already done most of mine; cons: over crowded).  So this is what you’re getting instead (10 things because I have to have a nice round number).

paper source calendar

{1} My new calendar from Paper Source.  I used to love my Erin Condren planner, but at this stage in my life a planner that I carry around with me doesn’t work.  I’ve been using my Google Calendar (which I’ve used for years) paired with Google Keep, but I still wanted something physical to reference.  My Paper Source calendar is so pretty hung up in my kitchen and gives me an easy quick glance of the major things going on each week.

{2} Wrapping Christmas gifts.  This is really my favorite thing to do every year.  I love the mystery of boxes under the tree.

{3} Peanut butter balls.  This is the one absolute must for us as far as Christmas treats go every year.  (Also happening this year though are chocolate snowflake cookies.)

{4} Evelyn’s smiles and laughs.  They are THE BEST.  Her smiles when I get her out of the crib every morning make me so happy, and she’s starting to giggle and it is the cutest thing ever.

{5} Having a dryer that works.  Our dryer has been horrendous.  Like running the clothes 3 times and them still not being dry kind of horrendous.  Gerrit bought this dryer vent cleaner and spent two afternoons up in our attic and in our laundry room getting it all cleaned out (I have a suspicion it has not been cleaned since the house was built).  And suddenly our dryer is AMAZING.  Like the clothes are dry before the cycle is even done amazing.  Life. Changing.

{6} Evelyn’s earlier bedtime.  Evelyn has started going to bed around 7:45 or 8:00, which gives me some time to enjoy my evening.  I’m also loving how well she’s sleeping at night (knock on wood).  (Related: a thing I am NOT loving lately: Evelyn’s horrendous daytime napping.)

hot chocolate and a fire in the fireplace

{7} Hot Chocolate.  No explanation needed.

{8} Fires in our fireplace.  Again, explanation not necessary.  (But I love our gas logs and that we can turn it on anytime we want.  As a girl who grew up with a wood burning fireplace I never thought I’d say that…but it’s true.)

{9} Roasted Red Pepper Pasta.  This is still one of my favorite weeknight pasta dishes.  It hits the spot every time.  And if I’m making it for just the two of us, there’s enough sauce to go in the freezer for another busier night.

{10} Yoga.  I love it so much and have since high school, but I have a new appreciation for it having practiced during pregnancy and as some of my first postpartum workouts.  I’ve decided that at least one vinyasa flow and a some breath cycles in downward facing dog a day is good for my life balance even if I don’t have time to do the full amount of yoga that I want.

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