baked cinnamon donuts


baked cinnamon doughnuts

I’m full of lots of thoughts about the New Year.  I keep thinking about things I want to change this year/resolutions to make/goals to set.  Read more.  Make blogging and writing more a priority.  Not be as short with Gerrit when I’m stressed.  Be completely present for every moment with Evelyn that I possibly can.  But the truth is that all of this comes down to one thing: try to find balance in life.

I feel like people who read that and know that I have a 5 month old baby and that I work and that, like everyone else, I have a gazillion other things to do, might laugh.  But I really do think it is possible.  (I have to be optimistic about at least this one thing.)  I’ve had glimpses of it in the past week as the holiday season slowly came to a close (I loved Christmas, but goodness gracious am I loving the relatively clear calendar of January right now).  I’ve had some time in the evenings once Evelyn goes to bed to make blogging and writing more of a priority.  I’m almost done reading a book I’ve been reading for about 2 months.  I’ve had a little bit of yoga time (not much, but a little bit).

baked cinnamon doughnuts

And I actually had time on New Year’s Day to make some doughnuts in the new pan I got for Christmas.  Another thing about balance–thinking ahead.  And here I measured all the dry ingredients out on New Year’s Eve so that the next morning there wasn’t all that much to do.  And as Jenny Rosenstrach mentions endlessly in Dinner the Playbook (which I am loving) even putting ingredients out on the counter gives you momentum.

So I guess that’s what I’m trying to move forward with…balance and momentum.  We’ll see how it goes.

baked cinnamon doughnuts


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3 Replies to “baked cinnamon donuts”

  1. These look yummy! You mention all the sugar. One of the things I started doing several years ago was decrease sugar in my coffee cake and muffin recipes by 1/2 c. It made a big difference and we like them even more than before. Wonder if it would work in these?

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