I am in a recipe rut. Sorry y’all. Right now I’m going to blame it on tax season. But tax season is over so hopefully I’ll be back with some new food soon.
The good thing about being in a rut though is that I’ve been relying on some of my old favorites. And it’s good to know that I have so many favorites to keep our dinner menus (and breakfast and sometimes dessert) full during the week.
So, I thought it would be fun to look at 10 dishes that are constants in my kitchen.
1) Breakfast Bars
I make a batch of these for breakfast for myself every week. I kid you not. If I make them on the weekend, they usually last me all week for breakfast every morning. (Also the above pictures is my maple peanut breakfast bars, which I do not make nearly as often but which have a much better photograph.)
2) Mushroom Marsala Pasta
This is one of my favorite easy pasta dishes. If I felt like I could eat this more than once a week, I would.
3) Roasted Red Pepper Pasta
My other favorite easy pasta dish. And the bonus here is that half the sauce can go in the freezer for dinner another night.
4) Green Beans with Almonds
Green beans are a side dish in our house at least once a week. Very often to go with…
5) Basic Baked Chicken Thighs
This is one of our favorite things to have for dinner. It’s so easy and it always hits the spot. It’s seriously a weird week in our house if these don’t hit the kitchen table at least once.
6) Sauteed Zucchini with Almonds
It’s about to be summer squash season, and sauteed zucchini will show up as a staple side dish. (And what is it about almonds with green vegetables that is so good?)
7) Peanut Butter Oat Balls
I love having a batch of something homemade to snack on during the week, and this is the perfect solution. They are sweet but still pretty healthy as far as snacks go.
8) Roasted Broccoli
Another side dish that seems to make an appearance at least once a week. We can dress it up with parmesan cheese and a squeeze of lemon, but the truth is that we usually just roast it plain with salt and pepper.
9) Pizza with Whole Wheat Crust and Easy Pizza Sauce
I’m so glad I discovered such an easy pizza dough recipe. And this sauce is the best–you can stir it together in five minutes (confession: I very often leave out the garlic to make it quicker).
10) Chocolate Peanut Butter Magic Shell
When such a delicious topping takes 30 seconds in the microwave, the results can be dangerous. Usually I make up an excuse to have this at least once, if not twice, a week.