zucchini fritters


zucchini fritters

I feel like the story of my life is being late to the train (not actual trains, although that did almost happen once in Rome which, even though we spent the night in the airport and even though I lost my phone, was the closest I came to actually panicking on that entire trip).  But I am always late to the game in books and movies and food.  I’d like to think it means that am I particularly selective about things: if I’m still hearing about something months or years (yikes) after it’s been big, then chances are it deserved the attention.  Example: I just finished reading Seating Arrangements by Maggie Shipstead (SO GOOD).  It had been on my list since it came out, and because I was still hearing wonderful things about it years later, it finally made it to the top.

The more embarrassing and more truthful side of this is that I am just a bit slow.  It just takes me awhile to get to things.  And when something new comes out, I almost feel guilty if I jump on the new things because there are still books and movies from three years ago waiting to be read and seen.

Oh well.  This is just a fact of my life right now and I’ve learned to accept it.  (I’ll blame part of it on having had a baby in the last year.  Is that ok?  Can I keep using that excuse for the next 2.5 months until she turns 1?)

zucchini fritters

And all of this is true for the food in my life, too.  I feel like I saw zucchini fritters everywhere a couple of summers ago.  And it has taken until now, until I started making zucchini fritters for Evelyn to eat, for me to give them a try and realize how good they are.  They are nutty (with the whole wheat flour), have the perfect rise (from the baking powder) and are full of zucchini without feeling like a health food.  I make them for Evelyn at least once a week, and after I cook hers I’ll add salt and pepper to the batter and make some for us.

So what about you?  Are you late to the game or on top of things?  And what am I missing out on that was big years ago and is still worth it??

zucchini fritters


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6 Replies to “zucchini fritters”

  1. Erin, I feel this way ALL THE TIME. My main problem is that I get so excited about so many things – recipes, books, movies – and add them to my lists. Then the lists get longer and longer, and because I consume or use them at a much slower rate, I end up not getting around to “the big things” until years later. Sigh. Glad to know I’m not alone!

  2. Shari–I haven’t worked with GF flour much, but I’d say it’s worth a try! You might need to play around with the ratios a bit (you might try adding a bit of xanthan gum?).

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