chocolate hazelnut biscotti


chocolate hazelnut biscotti

I think if there is one talent I have in life, it is planning and logistics.  There are few things in the world more beautiful to me than a well thought out itinerary that can be smoothly executed or a calendar that is completely organized.  I love lists and schedules and plans.  When everyone else complained about the first day of school in high school and college, I secretly loved it because it meant I got to go home and put all of the project and test dates in my calendar and make a plan.  And if we’re being completely honest, part of the reason my husband graduated only one summer semester behind his peers after transferring into a five year dual degree program halfway through college is because I sat down with his degree requirements for an entire afternoon and made charts and did research about what classes he needed to take when.  Otherwise he would have totally missed that Spanish class that was only offered once every two years (that may be an exaggeration, but you get the idea).

The funny thing is though, there are aspects of my life where I am completely not organized at all.  Yes I make plans, and yes I have good intentions, but things just don’t happen.  Case in point: my freezer and my pantry.  I am so good at buying things with the intent to use them, but the amount of unused expired things I threw out from my pantry last summer before Evelyn was born was embarrassing.

chocolate hazelnut biscotti

Luckily my freezer extends the life of things a bit, but I still find things in there that have gone unused.  I tried at one point to make a freezer inventory to keep track of, but it was just too much to handle.  So things like hazelnuts have been sitting in my freezer door since last Christmas, waiting to be used.  I did make some cookies earlier this year.  But perhaps I got overly excited about buying hazelnuts last year, because there is still a bag and a half in there.  I had dreams of gallons of hazelnut gelato this summer…but, well…I’m still not quite sure where summer went.

So, recently rediscovered, the hazelnuts have been partially used.  I am such a fan of chocolate and hazelnut together, as I think is most of America, but the truth is that my favorite way to have it is separate but together.  As in, not already mixed together, but chocolate and hazelnut separate that you take a bite of together.  I know that sounds really odd and particular, but it’s the truth.  I think the flavors are better if you can taste them separately first and then let them come together.  So here we are with this biscotti: crunchy and crisp, perfect for a fall breakfast, and a perfect use for my hazelnuts.  And now to search for some more hazelnut recipes.  Because you better believe that even though I haven’t even used my full supply from last year, when they reappear in my store later this fall I’ll buy another bag or two.

chocolate hazelnut biscotti


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