peanut butter balls {updated}


peanut butter balls

A friend asked me a few weeks ago what kind of Christmas traditions we’re going to have with Evelyn, and to be honest, I hadn’t particularly thought about it much.  Not because we don’t plan on having traditions with her, but because the Christmas traditions of my childhood seem such second nature that we automatically have them built in.

But now that the Christmas season is here, we’ve been trying to be a bit more purposeful about it all.  Mostly though, our traditions are things one or both of us did when we were kids: watching Christmas specials, lighting the advent candles, making Christmas treats.  We’ve starting making it a tradition to go a couple of local holiday celebrations (if you’re in the Huntsville area, Kris Kringle’s Candlelight Christmas is my favorite).

peanut butter balls

I feel like this year is our year for establishing our traditions.  We’re rearranging how we do Christmas day this year, and Christmas Eve has been a bit different from year to year as we change up how we do things with Gerrit’s family.  And it’s the first year Evelyn will really be able to participate in Christmas, so that is a new dynamic, too.

But even if our Christmas traditions change slightly from year to year now or in the future, there is one thing that will never ever change about Christmas at our house: there will ALWAYS be peanut butter balls.  They are mine and Gerrit’s favorite Christmas treat and it is never the Christmas season unless they are in our freezer.  Years from now who knows what Christmas will hold and how our traditions might have evolved.  But I can guarantee you that we will be eating peanut butter balls.

peanut butter balls


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