This began as a blog about eating called Confessions of a Picky Eater. Over the years it became about more though, and so now here we are…
I live nestled in the mountains of North Alabama.
I love peanut butter, dark chocolate, and perfectly cooked medium rare steak.
Reading and writing get me through life.
I make lists about everything.
I have a wonderful husband and the sweetest and spunkiest daughter in the world.
Here you’ll find a lot of posts about food, along with posts about parenting, books, and traveling. Sometimes life is mundane, but blogging sometimes helps me to find the beauty in it.
I hope you’ll stick around.
Full disclosure: any links to amazon on this site are affiliate links, meaning if you click and make a purchase, I get a small percentage.
I was searching for easy chicken thighs to cook and your site has the best one I saw!! I’m going to do it for my Mom and Dad this week. They are 87 and 89 years old and still get around quite good. What a coincidence; I’m from L.A. (a.k.a.) Lower Alabama!!! I hope you have a cookbook soon!! Tina