It has been really good to feel like things have been settling down recently. Don’t get me wrong, we have still had a lot going on; but in general I feel like we have been back to our normal life rhythms. Which has also meant I’ve been back in the kitchen cooking and trying to…
Category: dessert
I’ve decided that my favorite kinds of recipes to bring into my kitchen are the recipes that other people have already made and I have eaten and loved so much that I have to make it myself. That’s how I got the recipe for the butternut squash and sausage pasta. And that’s how I got…
A friend asked me a few weeks ago what kind of Christmas traditions we’re going to have with Evelyn, and to be honest, I hadn’t particularly thought about it much. Not because we don’t plan on having traditions with her, but because the Christmas traditions of my childhood seem such second nature that we automatically…
On Sunday night we got to go to a special dinner at Gerrit’s parents’ house. Some of their friends from 20+ years ago, friends from when Gerrit’s dad was in the army and they lived in Germany, have just moved to town and we all had dinner together. Gerrit’s mom said she didn’t think they…
Confession: I grew up thinking that I absolutely hated caramel. Caramel was just those little chewy candies that get stuck in your teeth. I was not a fan in any shape form or fashion. I wasn’t even the biggest fan of it in candy bars, even when it was paired with chocolate. It was acceptable…