Last week, two days after the election (so talk about terrible timing emotionally), I found out I had had a miscarriage. I was 9, creeping up on 10, weeks pregnant. It apparently happened around 7.5 weeks, or just a couple of days after my first doctor’s visit. That same afternoon I went in to the…
Category: life
Reading… Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein. It’s a book I’m so glad exists because I was never a fan of being a girlie-girl when I was younger and I’m not a fan the preschool princess culture now, so this book is a refreshing read. Up next, the third Neopolitan novel (I’ve loved spreading…
We just spent the past week in Cape San Blas, FL and now are having a hard time adjusting back to normal life (luckily…we have another travel adventure coming later in the summer!). We were at the beach with Gerrit’s entire family, and in a way it was an exciting trip as it felt like…
This past weekend we got to spend the day at one of our favorite places, Maranatha, which is the camp I grew up going to (not just for summer…actually I didn’t go for summer that much because I was a homesick child, but rather with my family and my church). It is the camp I…
1) I had a story published in Hypertrophic Literary which is a really awesome a beautiful magazine. The story is probably my favorite thing I have written to date. You can buy a copy on Amazon, or you can get a digital copy here if you’re interested. 2) Our house is officially on the market….