recent chaos

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1) I had a story published in Hypertrophic Literary which is a really awesome a beautiful magazine.  The story is probably my favorite thing I have written to date.  You can buy a copy on Amazon, or you can get a digital copy here if you’re interested. 2) Our house is officially on the market….

chicken ramen stir fry

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The past two weeks around here have felt like utter chaos.  Gerrit was on travel for work, then we went to Nashville, then Evelyn and I went to Florida with my mom to visit some family.  Pair that with some big life change conversations (like the possibility of moving to a different part of town)…

nashville weekend

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Gerrit and I spent this past weekend in Nashville having a great time and (as usual when we travel) eating too much food.  The entire weekend was a bit of an early birthday surprise for Gerrit (he knew we were going somewhere, but not where), mostly because we wanted to take some kind of weekend…

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