(hobbit house at our local botanical gardens) Getting Out of my Cooking Rut Perhaps it was because of the craziness of the month of March and into April (see previous post), but I have been in a major food/cooking rut recently. We had been eating the same things for dinner and I hadn’t done any…
1) I had a story published in Hypertrophic Literary which is a really awesome a beautiful magazine. The story is probably my favorite thing I have written to date. You can buy a copy on Amazon, or you can get a digital copy here if you’re interested. 2) Our house is officially on the market….
The past two weeks around here have felt like utter chaos. Gerrit was on travel for work, then we went to Nashville, then Evelyn and I went to Florida with my mom to visit some family. Pair that with some big life change conversations (like the possibility of moving to a different part of town)…
Gerrit and I spent this past weekend in Nashville having a great time and (as usual when we travel) eating too much food. The entire weekend was a bit of an early birthday surprise for Gerrit (he knew we were going somewhere, but not where), mostly because we wanted to take some kind of weekend…
I’ve been planning for a while to come back and re-photograph my favorite lasagna, but through the coincidence of not thinking through my grocery list a couple of weeks ago (and therefore not having enough lasagna noodles), I actually ended up with a slight twist to the recipe and decided I like it even better….