So first thing’s first. When I talk about breakfast food, it’s rare that I’m actually talking about breakfast. I don’t generally make breakfast unless it’s a special occasion (and in that case it needs to involve guests), or I can make things the night before and pull them out of the refrigerator or freezer to…
I have a new fascination with finding classic recipes for classic desserts that we all too often buy in boxed mixes which, while fine and convenient, also lacks that sense of knowing what we’re eating. Not that I dislike brownies mixes. On the contrary, I don’t particularly love most homemade brownies precisely because they don’t…
I remember the exact first moment I had fried okra. I would like to think that I was about three years old, but in reality I was probably more like six or seven. I was eating at Piccadilly (the restaurant, not the circus) with my grandmother and she gave me a piece of fried okra…
Decorating cookies is no joke. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that oh my gosh you have to make homemade cookies and icing because decorated store bought cookies don’t compare, because really I’m not so sure about that. Don’t get me wrong, these cookies were delicious. They are probably some of the…
I always struggle when it comes to the appetizer department. There are vegetable spreads and mini quiches and spicy dips and things that have tomatoes in them and none of these things sound very appetizing (ba dum chh) to me. I need simplicity. Cheese and crackers. Chips (without dip). Things that don’t make my taste…