Of course it wouldn’t take me very long to mention this pie on this blog. My mom has been making it for years (mostly as per my request). Family lore has it that this recipe is originally from The Barbecue House in Auburn. My mom supposedly got it when she was in college from her…
This is what my Fourth of July looked like. My dad spent hours smoking chicken and ribs in a process that involved dry rub (which included, of all things, powdered lemonade), apple juice, and some kind of raspberry-honey glaze that resulted in meat so tender and sweet that it hardly resembled its bland counterparts that are…
For some reason a few nights ago, when we decided what vegetable we were going to have with dinner, I decided I needed to have some eggplant. I have no idea where this came from. I have had eggplant maybe once in my life when it was included in some kind of casserole that I…
My husband, Gerrit, and I met working together as counselors at a summer camp. Our days were filled with wrangling kids and leading crazy games and making sure no one’s canoe tipped over in the lake (which unfortunately did happen once and resulted in the death of one of Gerrit’s cell phones). It was a…