salted caramel ice cream


salted caramel ice cream

On Sunday night we got to go to a special dinner at Gerrit’s parents’ house.  Some of their friends from 20+ years ago, friends from when Gerrit’s dad was in the army and they lived in Germany, have just moved to town and we all had dinner together.  Gerrit’s mom said she didn’t think they had seen each other for 17 years, but they’ve stayed in touch through the years and now they are all going to be living in the same town for a while (and they are so excited).  And it was so special to get to watch them reconnect.

For Gerrit’s parents they were the kind of friends that were family during their army days, the kind of friends that I think you feel lucky to have in your life.  We had those kinds of friends when I was a kid (and still do), and I hope that as our kids grow up they’ll be able to point to our friends and know they have strong support system that extends well beyond our biological family.  I want my kids to know there are friends we can always call, friends who will always be there in good and bad, and whose kids will almost be like cousins.

salted caramel ice cream

I brought dessert for Sunday night.  Gerrit wanted me to make brown-butter blondies, but I was really in the mood to try a new recipe.  So, I decided on some ice cream to go with the blondies.  And trust me, when I say “go with”, I mean really it.  A brown butter blondie and a spoonful of salted caramel ice cream together make the perfect dessert bite.

My recipe makes 2 quarts, which was enough for 7 people that night plus plenty of leftovers the next day.  And there is still some in my freezer, which is a dangerous thing to keep around the house.  Especially when there is one more row of blondies left in the pan, too.

salted caramel ice cream


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One Reply to “salted caramel ice cream”

  1. I’ve tried making salted caramel ice cream a couple of times recently and, although it’s tasted good, the texture has never been quite right. This looks perfect though and I can’t wait to give it a go!

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