Author: Erin

2016 favorites

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It’s so easy to just want to get past this year.  It has been a tough year for the world, and it seems to have been a tough year for a lot of people personally (including us).  So I’m trying to end it by looking at the good…and hoping for even better next year. Also,…

everyday bread

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Objectively, life has been difficult lately.  We have joked that moving cursed us, but sometimes I feel there is actually something to that.  If our lives looked too good to be true back in the summer (beach trip!  UK trip!  new house!), don’t worry; the universe has come back for us. Since we have moved…

on miscarriage

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Last week, two days after the election (so talk about terrible timing emotionally), I found out I had had a miscarriage. I was 9, creeping up on 10, weeks pregnant.  It apparently happened around 7.5 weeks, or just a couple of days after my first doctor’s visit. That same afternoon I went in to the…

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